Moretrench Industrial has considerable experience in the construction, maintenance, by-product management, and closure of these disposal/storage areas. We also hold long-term management contracts with several facilities in various manufacturing industries, from fertilizer to textiles to paper to power.

Common uses
Florida’s major industrial plants produce significant by-products from manufacturing processes that must be handled, stored, and contained efficiently. By-product materials range from liquids to slurries to dry solids, including phosphogypsum, variable coal combustion product, fly ash and bottom ash, plant process water, and much more. Liquid and slurried by-products are stored in temporary holding ponds or retention basins, with solid products conveyed to large stacks. Components of by-product work may include:
- Liquid and slurry handling – Handling a liquid or slurried by-product is critical in nature due to its potential to flow if not contained appropriately. Moretrench Industrial has decades of experience managing these materials. Some activities required to accomplish this is temporary ditching/berming/earthwork, transfer/discharge piping design/construction/operation, separation of solids from fluids (partial/full), decanting, siphoning, desiccating/drying, loading/hauling as necessary, and much more.
- Dry product maintenance and site closure – Some activities required to manage dry products are accessed road construction/maintenance, impoundment/storage area preparation, conveyors, screening, materials haulage, site drainage system installation, grading, erosion control, dust control, and more.
Quality assurance
Depending on project requirements, excavators and graders can be fitted with onboard 3-D computers hooked into the machine’s hydraulics for pinpoint grade control. Data upload and download between the office and the field are transmitted via satellite and cellular towers directly to the onboard computer screen. The use of these systems increases accuracy, efficiency, and quality control.